IDEA Portal

Internal Directory of Enterprise Applications

Where it started

Oregon Mutual was in need of a space to host tools, distribute information and do business with the insurance agents who represented them. In order to fill this need, I lead a team of developers, UX designers and QA specialist to create the IDEA Portal.

The IDEA Portal is an internal and external portal created using modular framework Reach in order to maximize the output of a small of fiercly creative group. Our motto of "build once, use many" allow us to create on space and dynamically change the experience based off of predefined user roles.

But this wasn't always the plan...

A policy admin system

Oregon Mutual was in need of an overhaul to how they processed business and thus they turned to a new policy admin system built in house.

Early Mockup - Homepage

Early Mockup - Policy Admin

Evolving the product with user feedback

Solid progress on the policy admin system soon transitioned into a bigger system, a way for users to utalize our technologies to work smarter, not harder.

User journey for the new system

New Mockup - Broader focused functionality

Critical Moments - User Feedback

A driving force for this new product was getting it into users hands and getting feedback for what was working and what was falling flat.

The eraly feedback was good but there was some areas that could use improvements, which was perfect. We iterated over several elements and designs, taking the various elements of the portal and improving the quality with each new version release.

Iterative header design

Iterative navigation design

Resource cards - 1st draft

Resourc cards - Later drafts

Not all feedback was golden

Part of the process was filtering through the feedback and finding the best path forward without giving too much sway to any one voice. Below is an exmample of how no one could agree on colors, presentation and flow for the member lookup.

Option 1 - Condense height, popping colors

Option 2 - Left menu with condensed look

Option 3 - Reduced height, more data focused

Option 4 - Minimum color, extreme data focus

Option 5 - More noticable warning flags and bright colors

What is IDEA Portal now?

The IDEA Portal is an evolving space that will always be moving forward towards. As the needs of the users grow and expand, so too shall the tools they use.

Consent popover

Resource - Address lookup

Resource - Member lookup

Resource - Forms library